Danuta E. Kosk‑Kosicka

Danuta E. Kosk-Kosicka is a scientist, bilingual poet, writer, poetry translator, photographer and co-editor of the literary journal Loch Raven Review. Born and raised in Poland, she arrived in the USA in 1980 on a postdoctoral fellowship, after receiving her Ph.D. in Biochemistry from the Polish Academy of Sciences. Her poems have won literary prizes in both the USA and Poland. They have been published in numerous literary journals and anthologies in the USA and throughout Europe, most recently in Beltway Poetry Quarterly, International Poetry Review and Spillway. Her work has been featured on National Public Radio, WYPR’s The Signal. Her translations of poems by three Maryland Poets Laureate–Lucille Clifton, Josephine Jacobsen and Linda Pastan–have been published in Poland; her translations of poems by Lidia Kosk, Ernest Bryll and Wisława Szymborska have appeared in the USA. She is the translator for two bilingual poetry books by Lidia Kosk: niedosyt/reshapings and Słodka woda, słona woda/Sweet Water, Salt Water, the latter of which she also edited. It has been nominated for the Griffin Poetry Prize and Found in Translation Award for book translations.